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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P

Career Counsellor 

596 Answers | 299 Followers

Nayagam is a certified career counsellor and the founder of EduJob360.
He started his career as an HR professional and has over 10 years of experience in tutoring and mentoring students from Classes 8 to 12, helping them choose the right stream, course and college/university.
He also counsels students on how to prepare for entrance exams for getting admission into reputed universities /colleges for their graduate/postgraduate courses.
He has guided both fresh graduates and experienced professionals on how to write a resume, how to prepare for job interviews and how to negotiate their salary when joining a new job.
Nayagam has published an eBook, Professional Resume Writing Without Googling.
He has a postgraduate degree in human resources from Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Delhi, a postgraduate diploma in labour law from Madras University, a postgraduate diploma in school counselling from Symbiosis, Pune, and a certification in child psychology from Counsel India.
He has also completed his master’s degree in career counselling from ICCC-Mindler and Counsel, India.
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Answered on Jun 21, 2024

Answered on Jun 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 21, 2024Hindi
Which institution is best to subscribe for online prepation of JEE. Candidate here has also joined a offline/regular classes in a small town. Please suggest.
Ans: ALLEN Online Test Series. User-friendly / Instant Result with Answers and Time Taken for Each Question.

Some IMPORTANT Preparation Strategies for JEE Preparation: (Wherever the Subject 'You' is used here, it refers for your Candidate). (1) Whenever you study at home, study for 45-minutes. Then take a break of 10-minutes when you can move away from your study table, walk, have some water & relax. If you continue studying beyond 45-minutes, your concentration power will go down, resulting to low output. Most students commit this mistake. (2) On daily basis (morning or evening whichever will be convenient to you), do yoga or meditation or physical exercises or play any games / sports for at least 30-45 minutes. This will further reduce your stress / distractions. (3) Study tough topics / tough subjects (applicable to you) early morning with your fresh mind. (4) Eat a lot of green vegetables / fruits which you can afford for & avoid soft drinks (5) Every day nigh, before going to bed, revise whatever you have studied during the day. (6) Also, revise every week whatever you have covered till date (here your short-notes which you should prepare will be helpful). (7) Keep practizing questions on topics which you have covered either offline or online (8) Give utmost importance to wrongly answered / difficult / complicated / tough questions and have a separate note-book specially for this for each subject (PCM) (8) You might be aware that JEE rank is allotted on the basis of highest score in Maths, followed by Physics & Chemistry. Practice more and more in Maths, till you reach Speed & Accuracy (9) By the end of 11th / 12th standard (December-January), attempt fully syllabus online test series, evaluate and analyze your performance such as, (a) which topic / unit / concept you are weak which needs your revision and improvement as this will disturb you when you appear in actual JEE exam (b) abnormal time taken to attempt any question which you can come to know from Online Test Series which you should reduce (c) which questions you skipped and why? (10) Make 100% utilization of 'Doubt Clearing Sessions' of Offline Class you have joined. All the BEST.

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Answered on Jun 21, 2024

I am a 12th pass student , and i am preparing for jee mains and advanced since from class 11th from physics wallah batches ....i am taking drop this year...and i joined akash institute...and also studying from pw batch,...bcoz i am not satisfied by offline coaching institute....plz give me guidelines... that from where i have to study..thank you!
Ans: Anjana, you have NOT mentioned your JEE Percentile / Rank, scored by you this year. Anyway, please go through my IMPORTANT guidelines from the beginning till the end (lengthy & APPLICABLE to all droppers). (1) First of all you should analyze what went wrong in your last JEE? Score in each Subject? Lowest in which Subjects? Why? (2) As you have already joined Aakash, it is advisable to join ALLEN's Test Series also. Keep attempting the questions (3) Check your Score in Maths / Analyze your strong and weak topics. Focus more on weak topics (applicable to Physics & Chemistry also. (4) For Physics, you should definitely be through with HC VERMA (Both Volumes) & practice questions from Aakash / Allen's Test Series.
(5) Whenever you study at home, study for 45-minutes. Then take a break of 10-minutes when you can move away from your study table, walk, have some water & relax. If you continue studying beyond 45-minutes, your concentration power will go down, resulting to low output. Most students commit this mistake. (6) On daily basis (morning or evening whichever will be convenient to you), do yoga or meditation or physical exercises or play any games / sports for at least 30-45 minutes. This will further reduce your stress / distractions. (3) Study tough topics / tough subjects (applicable to you) early morning with your fresh mind. (7) Eat a lot of green vegetables / fruits which you can afford for & avoid soft drinks (5) Every day nigh, before going to bed, revise whatever you have studied during the day. (8) Also, revise every week whatever you have covered till date (here your short-notes which you should prepare will be helpful). (9) Keep practising questions on topics which you have covered either offline or online (9) Give utmost importance to wrongly answered / difficult / complicated / tough questions and have a separate note-book specially for this for each subject (PCM) (10) You might be aware that JEE rank is allotted on the basis of highest score in Maths, followed by Physics & Chemistry. Practice more and more in Maths, till you reach Speed & Accuracy (9) By the end of 11th / 12th standard (December-January), attempt fully syllabus online test series, evaluate and analyze your performance such as, (a) which topic / unit / concept you are weak which needs your revision and improvement as this will disturb you when you appear in actual JEE exam (b) abnormal time taken to attempt any question which you can come to know from Online Test Series which you should reduce (c) which questions you skipped and why? (10) Make 100% utilization of 'Doubt Clearing Sessions' of Aakash. All the BEST Anjana.

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Answered on Jun 21, 2024

Sir, my son is doing 12th cbse now , holds OCI. He is preparing for JEE. Pls guide on jee admission as well as TNEA process. Is there any reservation for foreign students and fees structure for both. How much percentile to get based on your knowledge. As well as top good colleges in Chennai. Thanks
Ans: Ashok Sir, Focus on Most IMPORTANT Factors you should consider for your Son which are: (1) As far as TNEA process, the cut-off for top colleges would be very high (97% & above) and most of the TN Board Students get admission into it. For CBSE Students, will be difficult for Top-Ranked Colleges in TN like Thyagarajar / PSG etc. Still you can try. (2) Your son can try through JEE for NITs / GFTIs / IIITs. Getting admission into Top of these Institutes again depends upon his Percentile in JEE-Main / JEE-Advanced. Please have this an option (3) As far as OCI is concerned, still there will be competition (4) One more better option you should DEFINITELY go for is, trying for Private Engineering Colleges, for which he should appear in, minimum 5-7 Entrance Exams (best option, apart from JEE). Why because he will a lot of options and it will be very easy for you / for your son to choose the best and most suitable, keeping in view a number of factors such as, (a) Your son's interest as far as stream is concerned (b) Reputation of University / College (c) Location (d) Placements (e) Hostel Option & (f) Travel Time Taken for College from Home. (5) Almost ALL States in India conduct its own Entrance Exams even for other States' Students. You can shortlist 2-3 States (apart from some Private Engineering Colleges' Entrance Exams) you prefer and apply accordingly, for example, SRMJEE, VITEEE, COMED-K, PESSAT & More. (6) You should definitely have Plan B & Plan C, instead of relying only on JEE. Not advisable. (7) Just for information: If you can afford, you can even go for Management Quota Seats but to book minimum 4-5 months in advance, with any college you prefer. Please note, if you want to get admission into top-ranked Private College, you will have spend minimum 50-55 Lacs (+/-) depending upon the college & stream your son prefers. Hope I have clarified your doubt.

To know more on ‘ Careers | Education | Jobs, please ask / FOLLOW me in RediffGURU here.

Answered on Jun 20, 2024

Answered on Jun 20, 2024

Answered on Jun 20, 2024

Sir I am getting KIIT CSE, SRM KTR CSE, VIT VELLORE CSE CAT4, AMRITA COIMBATORE ECE...AND 212 marks in BITSAT... Can you suggest which college I should go? (I am resident of west Bengal)
Ans: Go for KIIT for CSE, keeping in view your Home State. As far as BITS is concerned, very difficult to get CSE with any one of its Branch-Locations. All the BEST.
Asked on - Jun 21, 2024 | Answered on Jun 21, 2024
Thanks a ton sir
Ans: Welcome.

Answered on Jun 20, 2024

Dear sir, My son completed 12th and got 95% mark in CBSE. He got selected for VIT Vellore IT branch in Cat2. Jee mains 27000 and JEe advanced 24000 rank. Comed k 1550 rank. General category and General merit category for comedk. We are getting production engineering from NIT Calicut. Expected colleges in comedk is ISE from MSRIT or BMS. My doubt is 1) Is there a possibility to get in RVCE? If we get EEE, then what is your suggestion whether to have RV EEE or ECE otherwise select ISE in BMS / RIT ? 2) Which will be a good decision either to keep VIT or Bangalore colleges ? 3) I feel compared to Production or Metullargy engineering, it will be good to go for VIT or Bangalore colleges what is your opinion ? 4) what can be order of choice for the above selection
Ans: Sir, Order of Preference (1`) RVCE-ECE (2) RVCE-EEE (please note, even EEE got placed, but less with Core Companies & more with IT-Software Companies) (3) BMS-ISE. Please go for any one of these, if you get in order of preference. 100% chance you will get admission into any of these colleges through your COMEDK-1550-Rank. Rest you keep as back-ups. All the BEST for Son's Bright Future Sir. To know more on ‘ Careers | Education | Jobs, | Resume Writing | Profile Building | Salary Negotiation Skills | Building Professional LinkedIn Profile | Choosing Right School Board (State | Matriculation | CBSE | ICSE |International Board) | Student Psychological Counselling | Choosing Right Coaching Center for Entrance Exams | Exam Preparation Techniques (Board | Entrance & Competitive)| Management Quota Admission Ideal or Not? | How to Prepare for Campus Recruitment? | Job Interview Skills | Skill Upgrading | Parenting & Child Upbringing Skills | Career Transition | Labour Laws | Abroad Education | Education Loan (India | Abroad) | Scholarship (India | Abroad) | SOP Writing Tips’, please FOLLOW me in RediffGURU here
Asked on - Jun 21, 2024 | Answered on Jun 21, 2024
Thank you sir for your guidance.
Ans: Welcome.
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